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Creativity Unleashed

In January, 2021 the club held it’s first Creativity Unleashed, a session that was entirely for fun. There were no evaluators or judgement.  It was so successful the club now includes it in its schedule every year.

Four or five stock photos are sent to the members who download them into their preferred photo editing program.  Then the fun begins as they unleash their inner artist or child while exploring filters, plug ins and sliders they’ve never used before.  People can choose to do just one picture or all of them in different ways.  They have a chance to explain their thought process and how they go about achieving the different effects.  Not only is it enjoyable, but we also learn a lot by hearing about the various techniques people use, including cell phone software. 

Click on the links below to see the variety of outcomes.  





Club members can see the video of the Feb. 10, 2022 session where the image makers discuss how they created the new images on the Media Sharing page.


  Rainbow Stripes  

    Old Town